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Your guides are always trying to get messages of support,

inspiration, and guidance to you.  
It might be in the words to a song that hit you hard,

or a book opens up to the exact guidance

or answer you were looking for.

Or sometimes it is an animal guide that lands in your path

that day with a special message for you.

Your guides are always with you, and always there to offer clarity and confirmation.

Clarity on the Bigger Picture
What your guides want for you most of all is clarity on the Bigger Picture of what is happening in your life.  Often we are not fully aware of the greater lessons to be learned, blockages that are our greatest growth opportunities, and the gifts just waiting to be received. Once you have awareness of the Bigger Picture and what it really offers you, then you are more able to make the wisest choices.

Confirmation on what you already know
Many people don't trust themselves to act on what they already know.  So often clients say after the Reading, “I already knew that”.  Yet they don’t trust themselves enough, or believe in their guidance, or acknowledge their gifts and talents to take the necessary steps go forward.   With the clarity and confirmation provided in a Crystal Reading, you can then feel confident and trust in your choices.

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You will receive …

•    Clarity on your Present.  You may acknowledge your big successes that created your Present, but often overlook all the small stepping stones of success that got you to that big Success. You will learn what got you to where you are now. 

•    Clarity on where this is taking you in your Future.  Personal growth is not a circle – you don’t start here, finish there, and then all done.  No, it is more like a spiral – taking what you have already learned, and you move up the spiral when you are ready to learn and grow more. 

•    What is your loudest ‘yeah but’.  We often say “Yeah I’m ready for …, but I don’t want to …”  These don’t stop you from going or growing forward, but they can trip you up.  Knowing what these are makes it easier to recognize them when they show up.

•    Your greatest Fears and Doubts.  Whenever you are ready to go forward, this often requires trying new behavior and going out of your Comfort Zones.  And once there, the first things that are triggered are your Fears and Doubts about going forward.  Yet these are your greatest growth and healing opportunities as they show you where you are in Resistance or Stuck.  Facing or overcoming these are your greatest growth and healing opportunities.

•    Gifts coming in as you go forward. These gifts to yourself, as well as gifts coming to you, as you go forward.

Read what others have to say about their Reading



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